
Looking back at the settlement and growth of Belize as a nation, takes us back to the exploitation of Belize’s forest resources. History shows that some of the first settlers were logwood cutters. Logwood (Haematoxylum campechianum) became a targeted species due to its bright red dye that was utilized in the textile industry. Logwood exports to England date back to 1655.
The increase in demand for timber, led to the harvest of Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla), quickly replacing logwood as the main export product (Weaver & Sabido, 1997). Mahogany became a targeted timber specie as it was easy to work with, making it popular for furniture, doors, windows and other items (Nickerson, 1963).
The first records of logwood extraction laws go back to 1655 and included extraction in unsurveyed areas. For instance, loggers would build a hut along the river shoreline, with the property encompassing an area of 1,000 paces on either side of the hut. By 1684, similar agreements were being made for the harvest of mahogany (Hooper, 1884).
A Forest Trust was initiated in 1923, with Mr. Hummel being appointed as the first Conservator of Forests. By 1924, a deputy and two assistant Conservators were appointed, with the aim of improving forest harvest and management (Gill 1931, Hummel 1925).
The Forest Trust was replaced by the Forest Department in 1935. By this time, the Forest Department’s work on mahogany regeneration and the use of girth limits in mahogany harvest, slowed the deterioration of mahogany resources within the country (Furley, 1968).
Currently the legal mandate of the Forest Department includes the protection, management and conservation or natural resources. Presently, the scope of
management has changed forest exploitation and administration to biodiversity management and social and community forestry. Forest management now promotes participatory forest governance, value added products, and the diversification of forest use. This approach involves stakeholder participation and inclusion in management, promotes income generation from forest products and the diversified use of multiple timber species.
A Forest Trust was initiated in 1923, with Mr. Hummel being appointed as the first Conservator of Forests. By 1924, a deputy and two assistant Conservators were appointed, with the aim of improving forest harvest and management (Gill 1931, Hummel 1925).
The Forest Department is a competent regulatory agency, sustainably managing forest resources for the long-term benefit of the Belizean people.
A results-oriented Department that manages Belize’s forest resources, enabled by informed decision-making and highly motivated and competent staff, in collaboration with partners and stakeholders.
Services Offered
Wildlife Management
- Hunting licenses
- Dealers license
- Captive wildlife permits
- Scientific research/collection permits
- Import/export permit
- Human wildlife conflict program
- Rescues of injured wildlife
Protected Areas management
- Camping permits
- Camping for Prospecting permits
- Scientific/research/collection permits
Sustainable Forest Management
- Forest licenses
- Petty permits
- Community forestry licenses
- Import/export permit
Department Programs
Contact Information
Office: Orange Walk
Address: Liberty Avenue
Phone Number: 3022208
Email: Ow.clerk@forest.gov.bz
Office: Belmopan
Address: Forest Drive
Phone Number: 8221524/8284936
Email: secretary@forest.gov.bz
Office: Douglas D’Silva
Address: Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve
Phone Number: Radio Contact Only
Email: Delta.clerk@forest.gov.bz
Office: San Ignacio
Address: Corner George Price Highway and Melhado Street
Phone Number: 8043280
Email: Si.clerk@forest.gov.bz
Office: Savannah
Address: Independence Road
Phone Number: 5232417
Email: Savannah.clerk@forest.gov.bz
Office: Machaca
Address: Yemeri Grove
Phone Number: 7022765
Email: machaca.clerk@forest.gov.bz
Facebook: @fdbelize Youtube: Belize Forest Department